Choosing a hero’s archetype and class are important decision points in making a new hero. They define a hero’s unique combat abilities and can shape a hero’s personality and approach to resolving challenges they face.
What are tickets?
As a Hero tier subscriber, you earn 2 tickets every billing cycle. Each ticket is worth $5 worth of product. You can use these tickets to purchase digital products.
How are tickets used?
Tickets are used to buy digital products that are available in the Store Library.
What does “No Longer Available” Mean?
If a product is labeled as “No longer available” means that you cannot purchase the product with money or tickets. You can however, receive them if you receive a redemption done.
How do I Receive a Redemption Code?
Redemption codes are given to you by Evil Genius Staff. They are used to claim products that are no longer available.
Do tickets expire?
No, the tickets you’ve earned never expire. However, if you are no longer a Hero Tier subscriber, you can not use those tickets until you reactivate your Hero Tier Subscription.
When do I gain new tickets?
As a Hero Tier subscriber, you gain 2 new tickets at the beginning of every billing cycle. These tickets never expire and accumulate.
Are there other ways to gain tickets?
Currently, there are no other ways to gain tickets other than being a Hero Tier subscriber. In the future, you may be able to gain tickets by joining our Organized Play program or GMing at conventions.
My tickets are frozen, why?
If your tickets are not available to redeem the product, it means that your Hero Tier subscription is no longer active. You can reactivate your tickets by reactivating your subscription.
Can I buy products without tickets?
Yes. All of our premium products are available for purchase using the credit card on file.
How do I cancel my subscription?
To cancel your subscription, all you need to do is go to your account page, go to manage subscription, and cancel your subscription. Your subscription will remain active until your next billing cycle.
How do I upgrade my subscription?
To upgrade your subscription, all you need to do is go to your account page, go to manage subscription, and change your subscription plan. Your subscription will be immediately upgraded and available for use.
Where are the products I own?
All of the products you claim or purchase will show up in “My Library.” You can find your library under “Library” in the header.
Are the products mine forever?
Yes. Once you claim or purchase a product, they are yours forever.
Can I share my products with other people?
The ability to share your products with friends will be available in a future release.
What do I do if I experience a bug or a problem with the site?
If you experience a problem with using Sidekick, please report it to Evil Genius Games. There should be a little bug icon. When you click on it, you can add a description of the problem you are facing. You can also add a screenshot (highly recommended).
What do I get if I refer a friend?
If you refer a friend to Sidekick and they subscribe to the Hero Tier, you get 2 free tickets added to your account. This perk is unlimited. You can refer unlimited people and you can add unlimited months to your subscription.
Experienced something unusual? Click below to report a bug.